EquiScan (FSA) Clinics & Sharon Saare Bare Tree Fitting Dates & Locations
Host a Saddle Fitting EquiScan (FSA) & Bare Tree Fitting Clinic At your Retail Store or Stable. Saddle Club Meeting
No charge for the lecture part of the the clinic. One demo horse and saddle at no charge. The only charge would be if someone would bring a horse to be scaned using the FSA System or for a Bare Tree Fitting. Others may audit the clinic for EquiScan (FSA) or Bare Tree Fitting at no charge. Minimum six (6) combination horse owenrs, trainers, farriers vet tech or veterinarians in attendance. Contact us for more information at email and phone at bottom of page.
EquiScan Clinic Dates. State Wide .
(location, dates and times will be posted when comfirmed by sponser)
Fall & Winter Dates
If interested in any of our Clinics or indvidual EquiScan Analsyss of saddle fit or Sharon Saare Bare Tree Fitting contact us at 608-633-3300 voice or text. Email at ray@saddlefitting.pro